“Looked at from a spiritual standpoint, our discomfort in any given situation provides a signal that we are out of alignment with spiritual law and are being given an opportunity to heal something.” — Colin C. Tipping We talked in our last post about getting rid of what drains you so you […]
Our focus groups and recent conversations with middle school, high school and university students have been enlightening, to say the least. I am anxious to unveil them next year in a new book. Today—I want to follow up on my last two posts, regarding social media. I hope to furnish […]
“If you have time to whine and complain about something then you have the time to do something about it.” — Anthony J. D’Angelo Our body sends us constant signals about what’s not working in our lives. Often, we ignore that information. We smother it with our little addictions to make […]
“Everybody’s got a hungry heart.” – Bruce Springsteen “We don’t talk enough about how not having a tribe affects us as parents…. I have the fervent hope that we start talking about the exhaustion, need for community and help that we parents need.” – Jennifer Parents carry the heavy burden […]